GEMS Express -Issue 3
Dear ACPO Families,
Today is Parent Teacher Conferences for those who are invited to attend.Please bring your child to the conferences with you if you are attending.
Chapter Tests:
Chapter Tests for Mid Quarter are coming. Please take note of the schedule below.
Test Retakes:
This week on block days, there will be an opportunity for any student to retake the test they took in the previous weeks. Retakes until this point do not count toward the quarterly limit of 2 quiz retakes.
I’m also available in Room 12 on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday before school at 7:30 am and till 3:30 pm after school for test retakes. I will be in the library Wednesday morning at 7:30 am as well for Math help.
Algebra 1 Update
Yesterday, we begun exploring on how to solve absolute value inequalities.We will continue to explore this concept on Thursday.
Our chapter test will be on Monday. Review packets were distributed yesterday. Review day is on Friday.
Please check out our weekly Agenda for concepts taught daily as well as links for help on homework.
Honors Pre-Algebra Update
Yesterday, we begun exploring Fraction Operations with applications to integers and equations. We will continue to explore this concept on Wednesday. Our pre-test showed 60% mastery of the skills by 65% of the students in my class. Our goal is to reach at least 85% of the students mastering the skills at 80% or better.
Our chapter test will be on Wednesday. Review packets will be distributed tomorrow. Review day is on Tuesday.
Please check out our weekly Agenda for concepts taught daily as well as links for help on homework.
GEMS Express -Issue 2
Dear ACPO Families,
This week I am finally able to update the grade book online as well as get in sync with CUSD email system offsite. Thank you all for your patience while I am getting settled, keeping on track with ACPO's academic culture and the CUSD learning community.
Having just populated our portal these past couple of days, I would like to clarify that the Pre-Test scores on both Algebra Placement & Pre-Algebra basic skills, though posted, are not counted towards Quarter 1 grade as those are weighed '0' on our grading categories. The posted scores are meant for diagnostic purposes only. This allows us to see which gaps will need to be filled moving forward. This will also allow our students to review and master the critical skills required in learning Algebra concepts. Remember, these do not affect quarter grades.
Next week on block days, there will be an opportunity for any student to retake the test they took this week. Please use our website to review the concepts that were tested this week for your retake next week.
Next week I’m available in Room 12 on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday starting at about 7:30 am for Q & A. Students are free to come in and get help on math concepts. I’m also available in the library Wednesday morning at 7:30 am.
Algebra 1 Update
On Monday, we begun exploring how to solve equations with variables on both sides. On Tuesday we had our 1st Review Quiz which is a formative assessment (30%) on topics we explored in the last week on Function Machines. Our previous week's lesson did not cover 'domain' and 'range' so we skipped the sections on that topic on the test as I have mistakenly printed the original test that anticipated its coverage. Again, I apologize for the confusion on this issue.
On Thursday, we started exploring solving absolute value equations, beginning with literal equations (rewriting a formula to solve for a different variable). We capped our week with graphing absolute value functions and analyzing at the structure and transformation of the equation from its parent function f(x) = /x/.
Next week, we will start with review of this week's concepts especially the absolute value function graph transformations. The review packets and its solutions are posted online. Have your child go over these concepts which will be tested on Tuesday. On Monday, we will go over any questions they have about any concept they struggle with. The review packet mirrors the concepts tested on Tuesday. Likewise, retakes are available for any student who requests for them.
Please note of Quarter Grading System below:
Summative Assessments (Chapter Tests) = 60%
Formative Assessments (Review Quizzes) = 30%
Classwork (Warm-Ups/Activity sheets) = 10%
Others (Homework/Pre-Tests/forms) = 0%
Honors Pre-Algebra Update
This week, we explored Integers Operations. Our pre-test showed 70% mastery of the skills by 70% of the students in my class. Our goal is to reach at least 85% of the students mastering the skills at 80% or better.
If your child does not complete his or her homework, I will send you a quick email so you are aware and can help your child strategize ways to complete homework. Students must show the process of the problems, so I can verify there is understanding.
Quizzes/Tests Students will use their interactive notebook and homework spiral to prepare for quizzes and tests. You can
refer to the pre-algebra calendar to see upcoming quizzes or tests.
Next week, we will explore Solving Equations & Fractions. Test 3 is on Friday.
Please note of Quarter Grading System below:
Assessments (Summative & Formative Tests) = 90%
Classwork (Warm-Ups/Activity sheets) = 10%
Others (Homework/Pre-Tests/forms) = 0%
GEMS Express -Issue 1
Thank you all for coming out and meeting with me last Thursday during the Curriculum Night.Attached is a digital copy of my class presentation. Due to the limited time I didn't get to all the slides. Feel free to review them and email me if you have questions. I wanted for you to get to know my teaching procedure and teaching philosophy to be able to makesense with how we run and organize our class sessions.
Last week for Pre-Algebra were mostly Diagnostic Testing which spilled over to this Monday.
After recognizing where our students are at this stage, I determined to start off this week with review on the foundation
concepts in Math, the Number Theory. We will start exploring Rational Numbers beginning next week. We will spend most of the 1st Quarter with 7th Grade Curriculum, and the rest of the year with learning Pre Algebra.
In Algebra 1 class, we have all been working in teams on exploring functions and describing graphs. It has been a productive and collaborative week so far. We will start seeing grades for warm-ups and review early next week as this will be taken on Friday. A test on Functions is set for next Tuesday. We will have a review on Monday.
I will be available at the Media center helping out on Math tutoring on Wednesday before school (7:30-7:45am). Let me know if you have any more questions or clarification. I will correspond within 24 business hours to your inquiries.